LIXHI Plumbing in Los Angeles County, Orange County, and all the surrounding cities in CA, is here for homeowners needing expert, reliable, and prompt plumbing services. From expert installations and replacements to repairs and regular maintenance options, our skillful team can handle any plumbing job you throw our way. Plumbing is one thing you always want to have under control. One minor issue can quickly turn into a more significant problem. We are here to help you avoid costly damages and stress, so contact us at 562-208-6229 to discuss your plumbing needs with our team! We offer free estimates!
Are you ready to upgrade your current plumbing system? Have you started work on a new house and require new plumbing installation services? Our dependable local plumbers provide high-quality residential plumbing installation and replacement services. Discuss your specific requirements with our helpful team today, and find out what we can do to help you achieve long-term success.
When you require emergency services near Compton, CA, you want to be confident that the emergency plumber you contact can handle the situation. We will expertly resolve any plumbing issue because we have many years of experience helping our customers. We can swiftly diagnose your plumbing problem and provide the resources to resolve the issue promptly.
At LIXHI Plumbing, there’s no job we can’t handle. Contact our experts at 562-208-6229 for any residential plumbing service you need in the surrounding areas of Compton, CA, today!
Phone: 562-208-6229 | Email: | Address: 120 S Ward Ave Compton, CA 90221
Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM | 24-Hour Emergency
License Number: LIC # 1081569